Out-of-staters Taking Advantage Of Montana's Lack Of Sales Tax

Montana has always been proud of the fact that we do not have a state wide sales tax. As residents we can use this to avoid paying sales tax in other states and apparently people in other states can take advantage as well.

Montana lack of sales tax creates loophole

READ MORE: This is Why Out Of Staters Use Montana License Plates

Montana Rumors Of Boost In Out Of State Sales

I over heard a conversation at a store where they were discussing their shipping. Since the store offers shipping to other states they said they get a ton of sales where the buyer is out of state and they buy specifically from a Montana store so they don't have to pay sales tax and then get the items shipped to their home outside of Montana.


Again I have no further details than what is stated above. However, I wonder how many people might be taking advantage of this tax loophole. Is this boost in sales something that brings more money into the treasure state? If there are multiple stores doing these kind of sales where they ship to other states, is that going to create a lack of resources for people in Montana?

READ MORE: Election Integrity Scrutinized Under The Big Sky

Montana Has No Sales Tax

I have used this to my advantage plenty of times. Being in places like  Washington I always pulled out my Montana ID to show I was exempt from paying sales tax and some would take it off, others would stand firm. (Washington rules on this have changed so they still charge the sales tax but you can request a refund from the department of revenue) So should we really be mad at other people doing the same? Taking advantage of a better deal that could save them literally thousands on a large purchase like a car.

Keep scrolling to see where Montana lands on property taxes nation wide!

Property Taxes by State: The USA's Lowest and Highest

Finding the home of your dreams, settling down, and raising a family with a great yard and a white picket fence. Every fairy tale needs a villain, and the American Dream has property tax. WalletHub recently ranked the 50 and the District of Columbia to determine which state has the highest property tax in the United States. Let's start from the lowest and finish with America's highest state property tax.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

The 10 Odd But Best Places To Buy A House In Montana

These 10 places might not the be the biggest, or most popular towns in Montana, but they are the best places to buy a house according to Niche.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

Montana's Most Beautiful Downtowns

For those who are fans of nostalgia, a drive through a historic downtown can bring back a lot of memories. Here's a list of some of the most beautiful downtowns that Montana has to offer.

Gallery Credit: Derek Wolf


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