Can You Find These 3D Printed Creations Hidden Around Great Falls
What Is There To Do For Fun In Great Falls?
Great Falls is home to many creative people. We even dedicate an entire week to celebrating art with the Western Art Week in Great Falls.
SEE MORE HERE: A Look At Western Art Week In Great Falls
The Great Falls Rocks Facebook page was partial inspiration for one local artist to find a way to be creative in his own media. You may have seen around town small 3D printed creations hidden in plain sight. These P1X3L creations are the work of local tech specialist Jay Dr3ygan. He told us that instead of doing something like painting, his creativity comes more from using technology to create, including making these 3D printed creations of Pac-Man ghosts, Pac-Man, Galaga ships and anything representing 8-bit games.
How P1X3Ls Are Made
Dr3ygan told us he uses a lot of high visibility materials to make these so that people can easily find them and he has just been hiding them around town in Great Falls. Some are hidden on signs, some at the store and even a couple at the gym! He posts photos with vague descriptions so people know where to find them and either keep them or re-hide for someone else to find.

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Be A Part Of The Scavenger Hunt In Great Falls
Welcome to P1X3L, a community-based scavenger hunt where anyone can participate. The rules are simple: hide your P1X3L creation, take a picture with a hint about its location. And post it here. If you find one, take a photo and decide to keep or rehide it. While I use 3D printing for my creations, you can employ various artistic mediums like drawing, painting, printing, embroidery, or crocheting, as long as your artwork represents pixel art.
If you are interested in being a part of the scavenger hunt, check out the P1X3L Facebook page for more.
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