What Critters Make The Best Family Pets In Montana
Montana Pet Shopping Can Be An Experience
We have been looking into getting another pet in Montana and I am at a loss when it comes to deciding what the best pet would be for our family. You walk into any pet store in Great Falls and there are SOO MANY OPTIONS. Each come with their own positives and negatives but overall this would be a pet for the kids to help take care of.
Deciding What Pet Is Best For Our Family
We started looking at the furry animals, rats, mice and hamsters but decided in the end the kids were probably not old enough for one of those yet. I did have a hamster when I was in high school but that ended up being a horrible story that I will save for another time.
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Then of course there are birds. However we have a close family member that has a severe allergy to birds. So if we got one that would mean that family member no longer coming over to visit.
The Kids Showed Interest In Montana Lizard Habitats
I immediately was drawn to reptiles. I have always wanted a reptile of some sort but never had one growing up. There are geckos and lizards and snakes oh my! While my husband is more leaning towards a chameleon I really REALLY want a leopard Gecko. They have just the sweetest faces and seemed to be pretty low maintenance pets relatively.

READ MORE: What You Need To Know About Chip Bags And Pets
What Montana pets do you have? Outside of the regular cats and dogs I want to know what Montana's favorite pet is. Is it really a sugar glider??? You can let me know via our app.
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