These may already exist in Montana considering the number of wealthy people that live here, but would the average Montanan use one?

Modern white bathroom with shower and bath

My mom recently from a trip abroad. My brother took her to Portugal because she's always wanted to travel overseas but has never really had the opportunity. In case you didn't know, they do things quite a bit differently in other countries.

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One major difference is the electrical outlets. They look a lot different in Europe. Luckily, my family purchased adaptors before their trip.

Photo by Call Me Fred on Unsplash
Photo by Call Me Fred on Unsplash

One of the main reasons for the trip was that my mom has always wanted to see a real castle. There are quite a few of those in Portugal. The picture below is The Castle of the Moors which was built in the 8th and 9th centuries.

Photo by Bobby Rahe on Unsplash
Photo by Bobby Rahe on Unsplash

For the most part, my mom really enjoyed experiencing the culture and seeing the sights, but there was one thing that she wasn't too excited about. The toilet in the hotel room had a bidet.

What is a Bidet?

A bidet is a special toilet feature that uses a stream of water to wash your undercarriage after you use the restroom. They are fairly common in Europe, Asia, and South America.

Photo by Renee Verberne on Unsplash
Photo by Renee Verberne on Unsplash

Apparently, my mom isn't a fan and decided not to use it. Personally, I'd give it a try if given the chance. I'm sure some of the millionaires that recently moved to Montana have one in their homes. Would you use a bidet? Send us an app chat and let us know what you think about it on our free station app.

The Funniest Bumper Stickers & Vanity Plates Our Fans Have Seen in Montana

Station listeners, readers, and Facebook followers sent in the funniest phrases or photos they've seen on bumper stickers and vanity plates across Montana. Take a look at a few of them below. (Warning: Some graphic and inappropriate humor included)

Top 10 Causes of Death for Montanans

According to the CDC, here are the top 10 causes of death for Montanans.

22 New Montana Slogans That Speak The Honest Truth

The Big Sky State and The Treasure State are great slogans for Montana, but we thought we needed some honest slogans. This way people know what to expect when they visit the Last Best Place.

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