'Tis the season for terrified dogs. Thunder, fireworks, and any other big booms scare the bejesus out of my sweet boys. While I have yet to find something that is one hundred percent effective at calming them, I have found a number of things that help make things tolerable.

First things first, make sure your pet has identification. Get them microchipped, make sure your chip information is correct, and have an updated tag on their collar. I take it a step further and have a GPS tracking device on their collar, that way I can chase them down myself.

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

Be sure to let them out for a potty break before the loud noises start. When I see a storm coming, I always let them outside before it hits. Sometimes thunder never comes, but I'd rather be prepared. Unfortunately, one of mine is even scared of strong wind, so if it's blowing, he won't go potty at all. Do not leave them outside when the bangs start.

Three scared boys, hiding under, behind, and on top of their human. Credit: Jaci Bjorne, TSM
Three scared boys, hiding under, behind, and on top of their human.
Credit: Jaci Bjorne, TSM

Be sure to have some background noise going inside your home in preparation. Having music or some other steady stream of sound will help to muffle the noise outside. If possible, put as much covering on your windows as possible, this will also help muffle the sound.

Compression has been proven to assist with anxiety in both pets and humans. Tight hugs and weighted blankets have been shown to help humans get through their most anxious moments. The same can be said for dogs. I've tried wrapping ace bandages around my most anxious dog, but I finally caved and bought him a Thunder Shirt. It wraps around the dog and fastens securely, giving the needed compression.

Theo with terror in his eyes, wearing his shirt. Credit: Jaci Bjorne, TSM
Theo with terror in his eyes, wearing his shirt.
Credit: Jaci Bjorne, TSM

If these options do not seem to help, medication like Trazedone is a great choice. Go to your vet well in advance of the holiday for a prescription. I have tried a few different medications with my boys, and they've all made them sick...so it doesn't work for us.

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

Mostly, I just snuggle with them and hope for the best.

30 Outrageous Fireworks Names That Sound Fake, But Are Actually Real

In states where fireworks are legal to purchase, stores have to rely on creative names to entice buyers. It's not like they can just go out and light off a test rocket to show customers.

Here are some of the best fireworks names we found when searching leading industry stores' online inventory.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

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