The end of this summer was spectacular for meteor showers in Montana. Does it have to end just yet, no!

This October and November in Montana will bring more showers in the eastern sky as well as the southern sky.

According to Earth Sky's website, The Taurids have two different streams. The South Taurids' peak early November during midnight of the 6th, and runs over a month September 23 through November 12th. The North Taurids peak November 13th running October 13th through December 2nd

Where should I look?

Find Taurus and look to the right and down as seen in the example below originating in Taurus The Bull.

Earth Sky give the perfect conditions to best see the meteor shower:

Expected meteors at peak, under ideal conditions: Under a dark sky with no moon, you might see 10 to 15 Leonid meteors per hour.

According to the website, these meteors sometimes burn very bright, and also move very slowly. At some points in the past these were very prone to produce vibrant fireballs which were present in both 2015 and 2022.

These slow moving showers could be great for the photographers out there. Once setup, great pictures can come out from methods including long exposure to grab dramatic effect.

If it doesn't get too cold or you are up for a little snow, camping might be the best bet for seeing the meteor shower if one does not live in rural areas of Montana.

LOOKING UP: 40 Breathtaking Images Of The Perseid Meteor Shower Around The World

According to NASA, the Perseid meteor shower is "considered the best meteor shower of the year." The show typically peaks mid-August. For 2023, the shower peaked around the world between Aug. 12-14. The latest edition of the meteor shower created an extra special light show in the sky. Here is what the Perseid meteor shower looked like across the globe.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

10 Reasons Han Solo is Basically a Texan in Space

If you ask most people who their favorite Star Wars character is, the odds of them naming anyone other than Han Solo are approximately three thousand seven hundred and twenty to one.

The loveable space pirate is pure swagger, and when you stop to think about it, he's probably the closest thing to a Texan out there in that galaxy far, far away.

Let's take a look at 10 reasons Han Solo would fit right in here in the Lone Star State.

Gallery Credit: Aaron Savage, Townsquare Media

The International Space Station

Initially constructed in 1998, the International Space Station (ISS) is approximately 250 miles above the earth's surface, traveling at 17,500 mph. The ISS orbits Earth every 90 minutes and completes around 15 orbits daily.

Gallery Credit: Ed Nice