I've come to the conclusion I've lived here too long.  I mean, it's not a bad thing - I just measure in DECADES now.  I came to this conclusion as I started to describe places around town by noting where something used to be...


I can also tell how long someone else has lived here, by if they recognize the places that I mention.  It's like a game of Trivial Pursuit or a history lesson.  The longer I'm around, the more I seem to remember the "old way".  Going senile, possibly.  Turning into my mother, most definitely!  How does this happen?

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Let's make a list:

  • KTGF TV - JoMay Barker, Ron Bruschi & Fred Pfeiffer (Fred is the reason I got into radio)
  • Deaconess Hospital, Columbus Hospital,
  • "Old" Columbus Hospital - apparently where my father-in-law was born
  • Poulsen's then Pro Build, now Builders First Source
  • Montgomery Wards, Herbergers, Kranz Flowers & Gifts
  • Bon Marche (3 stories!)
  • Don Ryan Olds, Haggerty Motors, Bennet Motors too!
  • Heritage Bank, NorWest Bank, Countrywide Home Loans
  • Thirsty's, J-T, 8-Ball, TJ's, the Prospector (2)
  • Westside Dairy Queen - the best by the way - more candy!
  • Nygard's Auto Body, BP gas stations
  • Mama Cassie's, Zandy's Drive Through, Burger Master (2)
  • Ayrshire Dairy, Big
  • Buttrey's, County Market
  • Montana Power - now Northwestern Energy
  • Great Falls Gas - now Energy West
  • Village Twin, Twilite Movie Theater, Cine 4
  • Gagnon Ranch Golf Course, Big Sky Bagel Bakery
  • Blooms Furniture, Scan Am Furniture
  • after
    Remember this?
    Remember this?

    Montgomery Wards

    taken from History Museum
    Getty Images
    Getty Images

    Movie Theater


    And so many more!  This doesn't have to be in just Great Falls, MT.  It can be anywhere - just don't forget to measure your time in decades.  Thanks for taking a trip down memory lane with me.  And thank you to those business that have stood the test of time and still thrive in the Electric City today ♥

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    Previous Cine4

    Previous Cine4

    13th & 9th Street So
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    previous Village Twin

    Fit Republic used to be Herbergers
    Fit Republic used to be Herbergers

    previous Herbergers

    Mall Changes
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    Find out more about our past

    History Museum

    Located on Machinery Row
    • 1

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