Have You Lived Here Too Long? (photos)
I've come to the conclusion I've lived here too long. I mean, it's not a bad thing - I just measure in DECADES now. I came to this conclusion as I started to describe places around town by noting where something used to be...
I can also tell how long someone else has lived here, by if they recognize the places that I mention. It's like a game of Trivial Pursuit or a history lesson. The longer I'm around, the more I seem to remember the "old way". Going senile, possibly. Turning into my mother, most definitely! How does this happen?

Let's make a list:
Montgomery Wards
Movie Theater
And so many more! This doesn't have to be in just Great Falls, MT. It can be anywhere - just don't forget to measure your time in decades. Thanks for taking a trip down memory lane with me. And thank you to those business that have stood the test of time and still thrive in the Electric City today ♥
Previous Cine4
previous Village Twin
previous Herbergers
History Museum
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